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Company Marketing SEO

Nov 26

An audit of technical SEO on your website will ensure that your site has the correct structure to ensure company marketing seo, and that all your hard work is indexed.

Let's look at the most common technical SEO mistakes and how we can avoid them.

  • Duplicate content is mistake #1.

Google loves unique content. Duplicate material can be a challenge if you want to rank high in search results.

Screaming Frog, Deep Crawl and SEMRush can help you determine if there are duplicate content issues. These tools can crawl your website and check for duplicate content on other sites to determine if it has been re-posted elsewhere.

This could happen if your content is republished under a different URL, or if the same content appears on both a page AND a post.

To avoid this, ensure that each page is unique. Each page's URL, title, and description should be unique. Your H1 header should include a prominent headline and your main keyword. Include a direct keyword in every section of your page to capitalize on the strength and power of your keywords.

You should be cautious when you reuse images and alt-tags. Even though the tags must contain keywords, they should not be identical. You can come up with unique ways to include keywords, but keep them distinct enough that they aren't misinterpreted as duplicate content.

Check for duplicate content in your schema or structured data. This is an area that's often overlooked and can negatively impact your search engine rankings. Google offers a great Schema Markup tool to help you ensure that your schema does not contain duplicate content.

  • Rel=canonical Problems (Mistake #2).

Use rel=canonical to associate a page and another page. This improves credibility and reduces duplicate content, without affecting your search engine ranking. It tells search engines how to index pages marked with rel=canonical.

It can cause confusion, and search engines may ignore your page if it is used incorrectly. Make sure you have rel=canonical included in all pages' code.

  • Third mistake: Title tag issues

These are just a few of the SEO problems title tags can create:

  • Duplicated tags

  • Title tags are missing

  • Too long or too short title tags, etc.

  • Title tags, also known as page titles, help users and search engines determine the purpose of your webpage, making them an important part of the optimization process.

To ensure that your title tags are correct, you should begin with the basics. Your title tag should contain at least one of your target keywords and be between 50-60 characters in length. To avoid any technical issues, ensure there aren't duplicates of your site. The following are examples of a good and click-worthy title that is not technical:

  • H1 Tag Issues

H1 tags are also included in on-page SEO. Title tags appear only in search results, but H1 tags can be seen by users on your site. Both should be distinguished from each other.

Although it is not advised to have more than one H1 tag per webpage, they are often missing or duplicated in title tags. This is a huge no in SEO terms. Each page should have a unique H1.

Your H1 tag should contain the keyword you are targeting, be between 20 and 70 characters in length, and include the keyword you are targeting on the webpage.

  • Neglecting Meta Descriptions

A page's meta description is a summary of its content.

Search engines display the search-for phrase in the meta description. This is why optimizing the meta description for SEO can be so beneficial. Sites that do not use or duplicate their meta descriptions will often suffer from poor SEO. If you use WordPress, you should always include a meta description. It can be found at the bottom or the posting page. The goal is 150 words. Make sure to include important keywords before the cutoff.