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3 SEO Trends You should Know in 2021

Dec 16

3 SEO Trends You should Know in 2021

If used correctly, search engine optimization or simply SEO is a very effective way to engage customers to your platform or Online Store. SEO is continuously evolving new updates that often can be a great challenge for specialists. This is why it's necessary to constantly follow the SEO trends.


70% and 80% of users are completely concentrated on organic search results, as a result, ignoring paid advertising. Additionally, approximately 28% of these searches result in a conversion, which leads to a purchase.


High SEO performance means paying attention to a lot of indicators; traffic, backlinks, social networks, etc. Below we will show you some of the most relevant SEO trends of 2021 that will help you be updated and create effective, working SEO strategies.


SEO trends 1: Artificial Intelligence will be more important

Artificial intelligence has changed the way we interact with online content. It should be noted that artificial intelligence has a great weight in the ranking factors of Google for search results (SERP) and a unique ability to learn that, according to SEO experts, will improve over time.


In order to optimize for RankBrain, one determining factor is user experience cues. Factors such as click-through rate or time on page can be included as well. For this, you must engage and captivate readers with quality, useful and organized content.


The On-Page SEO different tools will help you evaluate the potential of a page based on various factors such as readability, backlinks...


SEO Trends 2: Voice Search will Affect Search Queries

With the advance of technology, voice search has become popular with innovations like Sir, Alexa, etc. In fact, 55% of homes are projected to have a smart speaker by 2022.


In order to optimize your website for voice search you must focus on your keywords. Clarify long phrases that people use daily in natural conversation, as voice searches work best on these.


When a person writes, they usually abbreviate. For example, a person can do this search by voice: «Which are the best SEO Agency in London in 2021?» but he would write: “London SEO".


SEO trends 3: In your SEO strategy include videos

It is predicted, video will outpace all forms of content in terms of consumption. Therefore, rethink creating video content for your marketing strategy.


To optimize the video content you will have to optimize the name and description of your channel.


Remember that keywords are essential. If you're optimizing for YouTube, the platform's autocomplete can inspire you. Start by typing the topic of the video and see what appears in the results. It's ultimately a list of suggested keywords about what people are looking for on YouTube.


As you can see, SEO is increasingly complex, and it's no longer just about optimizing keywords. Metrics are constantly changing, and staying high is essential.