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Amazon Keywords: Tips for optimizing search terms in the Seller Central

Nov 2

Amazon keywords are one of the essential parts of your product listing. Amazon product listing optimization service can help you sell more, but that doesn't mean getting them right is easy. 


Use Keywords To Match The Search Terms

The most crucial keyword aspect to consider is how you match your search terms to the relevant keywords for your products. For example, suppose you sell a product that has a single-use item in it (like an AmazonBasics 10-inch Laundry Detergent Dispenser). In that case, the best way to optimize your title and description is to use words like "single-use" or "laundry detergent dispenser" as one of the main keywords in those elements.

You can also use keywords within bullets on product pages or even within bullets on other pages, such as Product Detail Pages or Reviews, when appropriate.


Take The Guesswork Out Of Keyword Research

As a seller, finding the right keywords for your products and services is essential. Amazon product listing optimization service will help you to find popular keywords with buyers so that you can use those terms in your ad copy, website content, and social media posts.

The good news is that plenty of tools can help you do this—using Google AdWords Keyword Planner or KWFinder (if you're an Amazon seller) because they provide plenty of information about specific popular search terms for your products or services. Moreover, it also includes long tail keywords, which can be much more complex than searching for single words like "computer" or "laptop."


Optimize your listing with backend keywords

Backend keywords are the words used in the backend to describe your product. They make up your product's title and other content, such as bullet points, descriptions, and images.

Backend keywords should be optimized for search in Seller Central because Amazon uses them to rank products on its site. If you don't optimize them properly, it could hurt your sales performance and lead to poor customer engagement with your listings.


Explore The Competition To Discover New Keywords

While in Seller Central, you can use the Amazon search bar to find your product. If a keyword is not found in the listing title or description, it will be listed as "not applicable." You can also use this feature to search for any other terms that may relate to what your customers are looking for.

The keyword planner tool allows users to create lists of keywords and phrases they would like included on their products' pages so that customers can easily find them when searching online. The next step is using this information alongside other sources such as Google Trends (which shows how often people search for different terms) and Google AdWords Keyword Planner Tool. 


Don't Over-Optimize Your Listing With Keywords

  • Don't over-optimize your listing with keywords. Use keywords relevant to the product you're selling and its description, but don't use too many of them or ones that are too general (for example, "buy furniture").
  • Avoid using long words in your title tags or descriptions. Longer titles tend to rank lower than shorter ones on Google searches, especially for longer phrases like "buy furniture online."
  • Please ensure each keyword gets its line in a list item's URL field. Hence, it appears more prominently in search results when people enter search terms into their browser's address bars rather than relying solely on their personal preferences when looking around Amazon products' listings.*


Amazon Keywords Are One Of The Essential Parts Of Your Product Listing.

Keywords are a ranking factor on Amazon, so they're essential to optimize. When you search for products, your keywords will be used by Amazon to help customers find what they want more quickly. If you have multiple products with similar listings (but different titles), then it's likely that those two listings will appear side-by-side in search results until one of them gets ranked higher than the other. 


Use Tools Like Merchantwords And Keyword Inspector

MerchantWords and Keyword Inspector are free tools that help you find the best keyword for your product.

MerchantWords lets you enter a few keywords, and it will give you a list of related searches and suggestions for new keywords to add to your listing. You can then use this information to optimize your listing to rank higher in search results for relevant searches.

Keyword Inspector provides more detailed information about each keyword, including how many monthly searches there are per month (the higher the number of monthly searches per month, the better). In addition, average cost-per-click (CPC), top organic results from Google's AdWords auction system, estimated organic traffic volume over time based on historical data from Bing/Baidu users who searched for similar terms over time.


Use Keywords That Aren't Too Competitive

If you're using MerchantWords, finding keywords that aren't too competitive is easy. For example, if you're selling a car on Amazon and have the option of listing your vehicle in your local area or nationwide (for example, "local cars"), then look for keywords like "local." 

If there's an option available between two values (such as choosing between local or national), don't use anything else! If there isn't any other way around this choice, change your product line entirely – like switching from one brand name across all categories within Seller Central. Then, make those changes before launching sales campaigns later this year/next month. Therefore, when some new features are released into Seller Central with additional features allowing users more flexibility in managing their business accounts better than ever before."


Mechanism Of Action Of Keywords

Amazon PPC management services are one of the most crucial parts of generating sales on amazon. It would help if you used PPC campaigns after doing good keyword research. 

  • Use 5-6 of the best-ranked keywords, then add PPC.
  • Use your best search terms and optimize them for conversion using the 4Ps (position, price, placement, and promotion).
  • Optimize for volume. Google with paid ads than organic search results more traffic to your product because it's an efficient way to reach more people looking for what you have to offer – even if they haven't heard of it before!


Keywords Should Be Specific To What You're Selling

The keywords used in your Amazon listing should be specific to what you're selling. For example, if you're selling a book on how to learn Spanish, then the keyword "learn Spanish" will probably not help much. Instead, think about using keywords like:

  • Learn Spanish - How To Learn Spanish - Learn Spanish Classes - Learning Languages


Don't Forget To Use Long Tail Keywords

While you may have been taught to rank for broad keywords, it's also essential to use long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are more specific and targeted, making them much more likely to convert. In fact, according to Moz's Keyword Explorer tool, long-tail keywords can generate twice as many clicks as short ones.


Importance of Amazon keywords

Amazon keywords can be tricky, but they can help increase sales when done well. The keyword tool allows you to search for specific terms related to your products. But if you don't know what those terms are, optimizing them and using them effectively is challenging.

The best way of optimizing these keywords is by making sure they're specific enough. So that customers will buy from your listing if they see it in the search results or product reviews.


This blog describes the methods to optimize your listings for Amazon keywords. Remember that there are many tools available that will help you with keyword research—for example, MerchantWords or Keyword Inspector as two great options for starting.

 It is vital to make sure you use a good Amazon product listing optimization service from a reputed e-commerce platform like Urtasker. We offer all types of e-commerce services.